
Primary 1/2 Party Planners

If you ever need a party planned then I highly recommend enquiring with Primary 1/2. As part of a short topic following the Easter break the children and I worked together to plan a party.

We made a guest list and our own invitations which we hand delivered to our chosen guests. We even received some RSVPs.

We made our own party play lists and took requests from each of our guests. Nursery were big Taylor Swift, Skippinish and Frozen fans while Primary 1/2 preferred some classics like Cotton Eyed Joe and Macarena. Miss Rostock and Primary 2/3/4, heavily influenced by Anne, requested some Beyonce, George Ezra and a blast from the past with ‘Who let the dogs out?!’ Ms Brewer’s class were full of surprises and requested Noah Kahan and Ed Sheeran but went rogue at the actual party and started their own Conga which was much enjoyed by all who took part including Mrs Sutherland!

We danced the afternoon away joined by each of the class’ and enjoyed some party snacks and favours made by our own fine hands.

We’d like to extend our thanks to the Mercat staff for hosting us and providing some extra decorations and frills for our party! We had a brilliant time.


Ross Shire Cross Country

On Friday 8th March our running team took part in the Annual, Ross Shire Sports Association Cross Country Championship.

Earlier in the week they had been going out to practice in the woods.

They tried really hard and enjoyed the event.


Duty of Candor


Nursery Invite


Wee Beasties

We are learning all about Scotland in the nursery and the school.

The nursery set a creative home challenge to create a Haggis.

I think you will agree that they are all amazing and everyone did a super job. Mairi the Cooker had a very hard job picking the winner.

Well done to everyone and thank you for taking part.

I hope you don’t find any out on the loose.



Enrolment for Primary 1 and Nursery for next Session August 2024

Enrolling your child for Primary 1 or Nursery

Enrolment week for Primary 1 pupils will take place from Monday 29th January to Friday 2 February. You can enrol your child for primary 1 using this link –

Enrolling your child for Nursery-

Enrolment Week for Early Learning and childcare places commences Monday 12th February and concludes on Friday 16 February 2024– you can enrol your child using this link

Please note that if your child is already enrolled at Milton Nursery you do not need to complete an enrolment form for next session.


Tree Planting

We were invited to plant trees with the Milton Community Woodland Group. P4-7 went along to help.

The Committee were delighted to have the children down in the woods, helping to rejuvenate the area. The woods really are looking great with all the improvements they have made, especially the path and the addition of the benches.

The children really enjoyed planting and did a great job.

Next time you are down please keep a look out.

I am sure the chileren will show you where they are planted. They are excited to watch them grow over the next few years!


Invergordon Hospital

We were delighted to have been invited to sing to patients at Invergordon Community Hospital.

Our children sang so well, you would have thought we had more than 13 with us. They were fabulous and did us proud.


Nursery Decoration Day

On Friday the Nursery invited parents in to make decorations in preparation for Santa.

It was so lovely to be joined by some P1s and some ladies from Mull Hall.

Thank you to all who attended.


Christmas Parties

On Wednesday we were very lucky to have our Christmas Parties at the Mercat. Mairi and her team of elves always go above and beyond and host an amazing party with a visit from Santa and a beautiful gift for all the children. It was a super afternoon and the children had an absolute ball.

Huge thank you!